
Učne ure surfanja za začetnike

Start your surfing journey with beginner lessons at Dopamine Surf School, Agadir’s top surf school. These lessons are designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of surfing with a focus on safety, technique, and fun. Our experienced instructor provide personalized attention to ensure you master the basics, from paddling and balancing to catching your first wave. With our patient and supportive coaching, you'll build the skills and confidence needed to progress and enjoy this magical and transformative sport.

Private : 2 hours 45€/Prs – 4 hours 60€/Prs

Group : 2 hours 35€/Prs – 4 hours 45€/Prs

Začetnikom prijazne ure surfanja

Beginner-friendly surf lessons focus mainly on building a solid foundation in surfing. Learn essential techniques such as paddling, popping up, and riding waves under the guidance of experienced surf coach who prioritize safety and skill development in an enjoyable way.

surfer dopamin surf maroko

Vzpostavitev majhne skupine

Benefit from personalized attention in small group settings, ensuring you receive ample guidance and feedback from our instructor. Learn alongside other beginners, fostering camaraderie and shared learning experiences as you embark on your surfing journey together.


Ali prek :

Kaj ponujamo :

  • Varnost na prvem mestu: Vaši varnosti dajemo prednost z obsežnimi varnostnimi navodili in protokoli, ki zagotavljajo varno izkušnjo deskanja v naši šoli deskanja v Agadirju.

  • Experienced Surf Instructor: Our certified and friendly surf instructor is dedicated to providing a safe, supportive, and enjoyable learning environment. With their extensive experience and passion for teaching, ensuring that you gain the essential skills and confidence needed to start surfing successfully.

  • Osredotočite se na zabavo in napredek: Verjamemo, da mora biti učenje deskanja zabavno in koristno. Naše ure so zasnovane tako, da so zanimive in prijetne ter vam pomagajo razvijati vaše spretnosti, medtem ko se v vodi odlično zabavate. Prizadevamo si, da bo vaš prehod od začetnika do samozavestnega deskarja čim bolj gladek.

V tem paketu:

Za boljšo učno uro surfanja z največjim užitkom in rezultati je v skupini največ 6 oseb na inštruktorja.

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